
Фразовый глагол — это глагол, за которым следует предлог или наречие и значение которого отличается от основного глагола. (take основной глагол — брать; take after — напоминать).

Проверим, насколько хорошо Вы дружите с английскими фразовыми глаголами.


  • 1 Exercise 1. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола get, используя предлоги along, across, down, over, over with.
  • 2 Вставьте необходимый  предлог (along, across, down, over, over with).
  • 3 Exercise 2. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола go, используя предлоги  down with, off, without, with, up, after, through.
  • 4 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 5 Exercise 3. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола bring, используя предлоги round, in, up, out, back, about.
  • 6 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 7 Exercise 4. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола put, используя предлоги away, off, on, through, up with, out.
  • 8 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 9 Exercise 5. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола call, используя предлоги in, off, on, out, for.
  • 10 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше + by).
  • 11 Exercise 6. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола give, используя предлоги up, away (2), out, back.
  • 12 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 13 Exercise 7. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола take, используя предлоги to, up, off, after.
  • 14 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 15 Exercise 8. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола turn, используя предлоги down, up, into, off, back.
  • 16 Exercise 9. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола make, используя предлоги up for, out, of, off with, up.
  • 17 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 18 Exercise 10. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола come, используя предлоги down with, out, across, over, up with.
  • 19 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 20 Exercise 11. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола break, используя предлоги out, out of, into, up, down.
  • 21 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 22 Exercise 12. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола run, используя предлоги into, out of, through, away, over.
  • 23 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 24 Exercise 13. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола check, используя предлоги out of, on, out (2), in, up on, off.
  • 25 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 26 Exercise 14. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола keep, используя предлоги back, out of, up with, on, off.
  • 27 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 28 Exercise 15. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола carry, используя предлоги on, off, out, away, through.
  • 29 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).
  • 30 Exercise 16. Соедините фразовый глагол с его значением.
  • 31 Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом.

Exercise 1. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола get, используя предлоги along, across, down, over, over with.


  1. Jane has difficulty in getting her ideas … . (communicating)
  2. Do you get … with your parents? (have a good relationship)
  3. The sooner we start writing the report, the sooner we get it … . (finish)
  4. This rainy weather gets me … . (make somebody sad)
  5. Alice hasn't been able to get … the fact that she failed her exams. (recover from)

Answers:1. across 2. along 3. over with 4. down 5. over.

Вставьте необходимый  предлог (along, across, down, over, over with).

  1. Do you get … well with your classmates?
  2. The bad weather is really beginning to get me … .
  3. The teacher has difficulty getting her ideas … to the students.
  4. It has taken me a long time to get … the flu.
  5. Come on! The sooner we start, the sooner we will get it … .

Answers:1. on 2. down 3. across 4. over 5. over with.

Exercise 2. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола go, используя предлоги  down with, off, without, with, up, after, through.


  1. The dog went … the kitten. (chased)
  2. Does this pink shirt go … my blue trousers? (match)
  3. The cheese smells funny. It's probably gone … . (bad)
  4. Jane went … the flu yesterday so she didn't go to school. (became ill)
  5. Laura is unhappy. She is going … a very difficult time. (experiencing)
  6. Camels can go … water longer than any other animal. (lack/not have)
  7. The price of petrol has gone … again. (increased)

Answers: 1. after 2. with 3. off 4. down with 5. through 6. without 7. up.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. The police officer went … the bank robber.
  2. This cheese is a strange colour. It must have gone … .
  3. The prices of Christmas decorations have gone … since last year.
  4. How long can an animal go … food?
  5. She's been … a lot since her accident.

Answers: 1. after 2. off 3. down/up 4. without 5. through.

Exercise 3. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола bring, используя предлоги round, in, up, out, back, about.


  1. This song brings … happy memories from my childhood. (cause to recall)
  2. Cheltenham is an ideal place to bring … your children. (raise)
  3. The new government has brought … many changes in education. (cause to happen)
  4. My part-time job brings … £400 a month. (make money)
  5. She passed out and we brought her … with a glass of water. (make conscious again)
  6. Shakira is bringing … a new album. (put on the market)

Answers:1. back 2. up 3. about 4. in 5. round 6. out.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. Looking at these photographs brings … so many happy memories.
  2. She passed out and the doctor had to bring her … .
  3. I was brought … in the countryside, so I don't really like the city much.
  4. J.K. Rowling brought … the new Harry Potter book last month.
  5. My job brings … 1200 euros a month.

Answers:1. back 2. round 3. up 4. out 5. in.

Exercise 4. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола put, используя предлоги away, off, on, through, up with, out.


  1. When you have finished, put … your books. (tidy)
  2. The match was put … until next weekend. (arrange for another time)
  3. Can I be put … to Mr Smith, please? (connect by phone)
  4. It's cold. Put … a sweater. (dress oneself)
  5. The fire fighters managed to put … the fire. (stop)
  6. She couldn't put … his rudeness so she complained to the teacher. (accept)

Answers:1. away 2. off 3. through 4. on 5. out 6. up with.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. The brave men managed to put  … the fire in the barn.
  2. I can't put … his rude remarks any longer!
  3. Our school trip was put … until next week.
  4. Mum told me to put my books … .
  5. Put … a jacket — it's cold outside.

Answers:1. out 2. up with 3. off 4. away 5. on.

Exercise 5. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола call, используя предлоги in, off, on, out, for.


  1. The fire fighters were called … to save the people from burning building. (asked to come to somebody's rescue)
  2. The match was called … due to bad weather. (cancelled)
  3. The floods in the Philippines call … immediate action. (need)
  4. John called … last Saturday to have lunch with us. (visited)
  5. The doctor called … my grandmother to check if she was OK. (visit formally)

Answers: 1. called in 2. off 3. for 4. in 5. on.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше + by).

  1. The earthquake in Japan calls … immediate action.
  2. The concert was called … due to the storm.
  3. Mary called … yesterday to see our new house.
  4. The police were called … to investigate the disturbance.
  5. Tina called … Mrs Brown to see if she needed any shopping.

Answers:1. for 2. off 3. by 4. in 5. on.

Exercise 6. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола give, используя предлоги up, away (2), out, back.


  1. Tony gave … my secret and now the whole class knows! (reveal)
  2. Don't give … trying and your marks will improve. (stop trying)
  3. Diane, could you please give … the tests? (distribute)
  4. Sorry, I've forgotten to give you … your dictionary! (return)
  5. I've given … all me textbooks from last year. (give something because you no longer want it)

Answers:1. away 2. up 3. out 4. back 5. away.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. Don't give … . I know you can do it!
  2. I have to go to the library and give … some books I borrowed.
  3. Be careful! He enjoys giving … other people's secrets.
  4. I gave … all me old clothes to the charity shop.
  5. Debra, can you give … these photocopies to the class?

Answers:1. up 2. back 3. away 4. away 5. out.

Exercise 7. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола take, используя предлоги to, up, off, after.


  1. Since you have so much free time, why don't you take … tennis? (begin smth as a hobby)
  2. Danny is very active; I think he takes … his mum. (to be like)
  3. The children immediately took … their new tennis instructor. (liked)
  4. Take … your tracksuit and put it in the washing machine. (remove clothes)
  5. What time did the plane take … ? (leave the ground)
  6. Homework takes … most of my time on weekends. (fills time)

Answers:1. up 2. after 3. to 4. off 5. off 6. up.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. John takes … his dad. He's also a good tennis player, too.
  2. Kate took … swimming like a duck to water.
  3. Take … those muddy boots before you come in, please!
  4. My dad took … golf when he retired.
  5. The plane took … an hour late.

Answers:1. after 2. to 3. off 4. up 5. off.

Exercise 8. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола turn, используя предлоги down, up, into, off, back.


  1. I love this song! Turn it … and let's dance! (increase the volume)
  2. Don't turn … that job, Adam — it's a great opportunity! (refuse)
  3. He's usually rather quiet, but at carnivals he turns … a real party animal! (becomes)
  4. Once I live my house, I never turn … . It's very bad luck, you know. (return)
  5. I hope Jessica turns … soon. (arrives)
  6. Turn the lights … and I'll bring in the birthday cake and candles. (switch off)

Answers: 1. up 2. down 3. into 4. back 5. up 6. off.

Exercise 9. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола make, используя предлоги up for, out, of, off with, up.


  1. It was so foggy that we couldn't make … the number of the house. (see clearly)
  2. The burglar made … our TV and DVD player. (stole and run away with)
  3. Peter bought his mum some chocolates to make … breaking her favourite vase. (compensate for)
  4. Don't believe anything Tom tells you — he's always making  … stories! (inventing)
  5. What do you make … Steve's new idea? (think about)

Answers:1. out 2. off with 3. up for 4. up 5. of.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. Paul should write children's books, he's always making … stories for his kids.
  2. What do you make … your new neighbours?
  3. I'll make … not doing my chores this week, I promise.
  4. The thief made … the painting without knowing it wasn't the real one.
  5. Your handwriting is terrible. I can't make … what it says.

Answers: 1. up 2. of 3. up for 4. off with 5. out.

Exercise 10. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола come, используя предлоги down with, out, across, over, up with.


  1. Alan came … a mysterious map in his grandmother's attic. (found by chance)
  2. It was Will who came … the idea of going into the haunted house. (thought of)
  3. After getting caught in the rain, Jane came … a terrible cold. (got)
  4. Stephen King's new book has just come … . (become available to the public)
  5. As soon as I stepped into the creepy house, a strange feeling came … me. (affected me strongly)

Answers: 1. across 2. up with 3. down with 4. out 5. over.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. Eve came … with a great idea for a story.
  2. Dave came … a secret passage in the castle.
  3. A strange feeling came … me as I walked home.
  4. I can't wait for Spielberg's new film to come … .
  5. Lee feels ill. He must be coming … with the flu.

Answers:1. up 2. across 3. over 4. out 5. down.

Exercise 11. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола break, используя предлоги out, out of, into, up, down.


  1. They think the fire broke … because of a loose electrical wire.
  2. Burglars broke … Dad's  office last night and stole his computer.
  3. James and Mandy had a terrible argument and then they broke … .
  4. What's wrong with the washing machine now? It's always breaking … !
  5. They broke … prison and escaped.

Answers: 1. out 2. into 3. up 4. down 5. out of.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. Tom and Julie broke … .
  2. A forest fire broke … yesterday.
  3. The thief broke … our house.
  4. The lion broke … the wooden crate.
  5. My old car is always breaking … .

Answers:1. up 2. out 3. into 4. out of 5. down.

Exercise 12. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола run, используя предлоги into, out of, through, away, over.


  1. Let's run … that dance sequence just one more time. (rehearse)
  2. Sharon thought David was out of town, but she ran … him at the cinema. (met by accident)
  3. He almost ran … a cat yesterday when it jumped in front of his car. (knocked down)
  4. The book is about a young boy who runs … from home. (to leave because you are unhappy)
  5. We've run … sugar — I'll go and buy some. (have none left)

Answers:1. through 2. into 3. over 4. away 5. out of.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. He is upset because his cat got run … yesterday.
  2. The actors  ran … the scene once more.
  3. The film is about a boy who runs … from home.
  4. I have run … of white paint. Can you buy me some?
  5. Jack ran … an old school friend in the park.

Answers:1. over 2. through 3. away 4. out 5. into.

Exercise 13. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола check, используя предлоги out of, on, out (2), in, up on, off.


  1. Shall we check … that new Thai restaurant tonight? (try)
  2. They checked … at the hotel and were shown to their rooms. (registered)
  3. I'm just going to check … things at the office. (make sure sb/smth is alright)
  4. Let's call a taxi to pick us up and then check … the hotel. (pay the bill and leave)
  5. I've checked … the items on my list. (ticked)
  6. I checked … my brother to make sure he was doing his homework. (made sure)

Answers:1. out 2. in 3. out 4. out of 5. off 6. up on.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. Let's go and check … that new restaurant on the High street.
  2. Sam checked … and went to wait in the departure lounge.
  3. Can you check … the dinner and make sure it's not burning?
  4. I've checked … everything on the list so we can finish shopping now.
  5. What time do we have to check … of the hotel?

Answers: 1. out 2. in 3. on 4. off 5. out.

Exercise 14. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола keep, используя предлоги back, out of, up with, on, off.


  1. Please keep the dog … the kitchen — it's not hygienic to have him in there. (prevent from entering)
  2. Keep … ! The burning building is about to collapse! (don't go near)
  3. Martha and Kate kept … whispering, even after I had told them to stop. (continued)
  4. Jody was finding it very difficult to keep … her schoolwork. (stay on schedule)
  5. The sign says «keep … the grass». (don't walk on)

Answers: 1. out of 2. back 3. on 4. up with 5. off.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. «Please keep … the grass!» the gardener said to the children in the park.
  2. The baby kept … crying, even after he had been fed.
  3. Sometimes, Josh finds it difficult to keep … the other students in his class.
  4. Mum is always telling us to keep the cat … the kitchen.
  5. «Keep … from the fire! » the police shouted at the croud.

Answers: 1. off 2. on 3. up with 4. out of 5. back.

Exercise 15. Замените слова в скобках необходимым синонимом с помощью фразового глагола carry, используя предлоги on, off, out, away, through.


  1. Harry didn't think he would remember what to say in his speech, but in the end he carried it … . (managed)
  2. The police still don't know who carried … the attack. (did)
  3. The government has made some proposals to help the environment, but we don't know whether they'll actually carry them … . (complete them, despite possible difficulties)
  4. Sarah got carried … when she passed her exams and started screaming and jumping up and down. (over-excited)
  5. Paul carried … talking after I had told him to stop. (continued)

Answers: 1. off 2. out 3. through 4. away 5. on.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом (см. выше).

  1. The police think they know who's been carrying … the burglaries.
  2. Bethany carried … surfing after she lost her arm in a shark attack.
  3. Amanda didn't think she would be able to put on an American accent in the play, but in the end she carried it … really well.
  4. Everyone was surprised when the prime minister actually carried … the changes he had proposed.
  5. John got carried … when he won the race; he started screaming and running around.

Answers:1. out 2. on 3. off 4. through 5. away.

Exercise 16. Соедините фразовый глагол с его значением.


  • begin and seem likely to continue
  • start a journey
  • save
  • slow down

We 1) set asidesome money for a special holiday and I decided to go on a six-week trip around Australia. When I arrived in Sydney, the summer was really 2) setting inand it was getting really hot. Dad rented a jeep and we 3) set off the next day to discover the outback. I was exited. On that first day, the jeep just stopped and we had to call for help. They took hours to come and this 4) set us backa bit, but we were happy just to be there. Anyway, the next six weeks were perfect. We loved it.

Answers:1. save 2. begin and seem likely to continue 3. start a journey 4. slow down.

Дополните предложения необходимым  предлогом.

  1. I have been setting … a bit of money all year for my summer holidays.
  2. Winter has started to set … already, so we can go skiing.
  3. We had to set … early in the morning to catch the 6 am boat.
  4. A two-hour delay on the way to the ferry set us … , but we made up the time later.
  5. When they realised they had missed the last train, anxiety set … .

Answers:1. aside 2. in 3. off 4. back 5. in.




  1. Английский язык. 8 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций/Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, Просвещение, 2016.
  2. Английский язык. 9 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций/Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, Просвещение, 2016.

Фразовые глаголы в английском языке